You will find  move in tenant in the right menu. 

  • This is the process that moves the property from vacant to leased.

The tenant has their identity verified with a drivers license upload. This image should be scanned from the actual drivers license. A smart phone camera picture of the drivers license is fine if it is a clear picture that can be read. Not a photo copy.

We know when you lease to a new tenant you check their identity with a copy of their drivers license.


  1. Identity theft is a big problem and the banks require this identity verification. 
  2. The tenant name you enter in the form should match the name on the tenant drivers license exactly.

Assign your late charge policy. So the system will use this data when you optionally make the decision to charge a tenant a late fee. The accounting system will create this charge.

During this move in tenant you invite the new tenant to the tenant portal. Since you uploaded the drivers license image the tenant will be ready to setup electronic rent payments. 

Tenants are added automatically to quick contacts. This is the slide out on the right side.

Want to move in many tenants to a single property? 

There is a "ADD TENANT" button that supports adding many tenants to a single property. 

Once the property is selected, adding more than one tenant is possible to that selected property.