It is assumed all your revenue comes to you from a Tenant. Each Tenant Journal will show you a Balance Due at any date.
This is your Accounts Receivable report.
The Leaseze Property Management system does not have a aging report, as we believe you do not let a rent payments go unpaid.
In the "Rent roll" table we provide the payment dates and the amount due (for current period only). When a payment is late you can charge the late fee there and it is added to the property journal, tenant journal and tenant statement.
Note: at the end of the lease we assume all monies are paid to you and no outstanding balance is due.
Bad Debts Expense
However in the last month of the lease, if you charge rent, without paid rent, you do have outstanding monies due.
In this case, the system will pick up this outstanding amount due and process an amount for bad debts.
The system will wait for collection until 60 days after lease end and then make the accounting post from rent receivable to bad debts expense.
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