Note: This is a two system process!

1) The Leaseze accounting system

2) Your online bank account at your bank website

How to reconcile your online bank account with the Leaseze accounting system: When you reconcile a bank account you are looking for a line item transaction in your real bank account that is missing from the Leaseze accounting system.

  • In the Leaseze accounting system each property has a journal. 
  • Each row in the journal has a transactionID. This is not immediately visible. 
  • You must "mouse over" on the table row and tool-tip, then you will see the transactionID appear.

  • Now go to your real online bank account at your bank website and download the transactions in csv (excel format). 
  • Be sure to sort these transactions by a single calendar month. 

Once you have this file downloaded, and open this file in MS Excel.

  • Create a new column on the far left
  • In the far left column that is empty, name this column transactionID. Save the file.
  • in this column then enter the transactionID from the Leaseze accounting system. - One by one! ( be careful with the dollar amount, they must match)

When you have done this for the complete month, any missing transactionID's will a red flag a bank transaction was forgotten in the Leaseze accounting system.